Public Works Policy

Reading dates of Water Meters:

The Water Meters shall be read approximately the 1st of each month to determine the water usuage for the prior month.

Billing of Water/Sewer Customers:

Water/Sewer bills will be mailed after the 15th of each month, for arrival to the customers on or by the 20th of each month.

Water/Sewer Payments & Penalties:

Payment must be made by the 15th of the month to avoid a late penalty; penalties will be assessed on the 16th.

Disconnection Date:

Disconnection date shall be on the 20th of each month; if payment is not received by 10:00 a.m. . a fee of $75.00 will apply and will have to be paid in full along with the past due balance on the account in order for service to continue.

Extensions on Water/Sewer Bills:

The Public Works Supervisor, and the City Clerk, or the Administrator will decide each case and document accordingly.

Return Check Charges:

A return check must be paid by cash or money order plus $20.00 for bank charges within (24) twenty-four hours of notification to the customer.

Flushing of Water Lines:

The Public Works Water Department will not flush through any residential or business owner’s meters unless otherwise unavoidable due to the size and location of water meter. Flushing of water lines by removing the meter and flushing through the inlet if possible.

Re-Read Fee:

Effective 8-22-16 the City will charge a $20.00 fee for each re-read done after one complimentary meter re-read.  If the issue prompting the re-read is the fault of the customer the customer will be charged the $20.00.  If the issue prompting the re-read is the fault of the City, the customer will not be charged the $20.00 re-read fee.


Credit for water leaks:

The water customers will be notified by personal contract as soon as possible after the leak has been found. Also, written notification will be given on the water bill.

After notification the customer will be given 7 days to repair the leak, and notify the city when the leak has been repaired.

The standard guide for giving credit would be:

1. Leaks with water going down the sewer will be charged for the water and the sewer.

2. Leaks with the water not going down the sewer would be assessed the water charge, but the sewer charge would be the average charge of the preceding (3 ) months.

09/30/2013 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen. Subject to change by board action only.

Revised on 09/30/2013

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